GA Group

Striking Off

Close down a Sdn Bhd or private limited company.

Striking Off a Business

Striking off is a simple, cost-effective method to close down a Sdn Bhd or private limited company and suitable for business owners who do not wish to go through the more lengthy and tedious process of winding up a company.


Striking off a business requires the following conditons:


Effects of Striking Off

A company approved for striking off is usually be deregistered within 6 to 9 months

Our Plan

Professional company strike off package

Business Strike Off


Strike-Off Service Includes

Have more questions?

Feel free to get in touch with us and learn how we can work with you on your business journey.
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Let's Connect!

Philip Tong

Senior Account Manager

Philip has over 9 years of experience in the accounting field, coverting multiple industries, serving clients in the field from law firms, petrol stations, construction, trading and service industries. He is one of the Xero Certified Advisory and is passionate about leveraging a strong All-in-One accounting to ensure clients digitize their business and increase efficiency.



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